“Life’s Essentials with Prem Rawat” podcast series 3, episode 9 – The Grand Illusion and You, Part 2 – Can you enjoy this temporary world?

Sometimes we hear that the world is temporary – we can’t depend on anything to last. So what are we supposed to do with that? Can we enjoy it anyway? How? And if the world is temporary, what’s permanent?


No matter what your walk of life is, understanding the nature of what is permanent and impermanent can lead to an extraordinary existence.

If you’re a CEO, you may learn that it pays to look at reality, to see things as they are instead of judging (or misjudging) them. Your best practices would probably now include applying no limits to what the infinite can deliver.

Are you a professional complainer? Hearing Prem Rawat’s stories on maximizing each moment—told from a vantage point of 55 years of helping people access inner peace—may turn your grumbling into gratitude.

Knowledge Prem speaks about doesn’t involve rigorous racking of the mind but refreshing simplicity. Whether you’re a PhD from Harvard or a streetwise graduate from the School of Hard Knocks, taking his wisdom to heart, you might decide your highest achievement would be to become a scholar of the Self.

“What is temporary is temporary—it is here; it may not be here. But by the same token, you also have to understand the nature of the infinite, of the permanent—that which cannot be created, which cannot be destroyed—that is.”
—Prem Rawat

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Want to go deeper?  Check out PEAK, Prem’s online course to help you understand and experience personal peace.

Order Prem Rawat’s new book Hear Yourself: How to Find Peace in a Noisy World from HearYourselfBook.com. A new release from Harper Collins already on the @New York Times bestseller list.

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