“Life’s Essentials with Prem Rawat” podcast week 16: At United World College in Norway

This week’s podcast is a special treat. In this round robin conversation with international students from Red Cross Nordic Student Circle at the United World College in Flekke, Norway, young people talk with Prem about conflict in their countries.

Many of these students have come from refugee camps and have fled to other places in search of an education. Prem encourages the students to look deeply at who and what we are. It is about knowing over believing and understanding we are citizens of this world.

Peace takes more wisdom and courage than to make war. The students are told to bring a candle of light in the dark places and to be the peace they wish to see. There is enough land, food, and water for everyone if we could live in peace and share.

Us and them thinking is the biggest wall between people and it is made entirely out of ignorance. Ignorance is what stops the world from uniting.

Knowing the truth is the only solution. It is important to make the most of the few days we are given in this life. We have to consider dignity, love, and care as basic human needs.

Peace is in your heart and it can only be felt. Where there is an interest and a thirst for peace, it will be found.

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