“Life’s Essentials with Prem Rawat” podcast week 22 with Wendy Hughes, journalist at Ipswich Times, in Australia.

In this week’s podcast Prem is interviewed by Wendy Hughes in Australia. They talk about how the country is in a great position for peace to grow and flourish. The need for peace is the same as in any other country as people everywhere face the same challenges. He stresses that once you see the preciousness of life you want to maximize the limited time you have available. There is more to life than paying bills and basic responsibilities. There is a real meaning to life that people should truly appreciate. In particular, Austrialians should realize how blessed they are with their natural resources which are so abundant.

Prem speaks about how he deeply believes that peace is possible and something we should be striving to create in our lives and the world around us. All too often we focus on the negative and miss out on the positive.

The first step is knowing who and where you currently are in your life to be able to plan where you are going.  There is nothing happening to humans today that cannot be fixed with enough dedicated focus, determination, and will.

While talking about his childhood, Prem tells us small details about his early life. He explains that sharing peace has been his life since his earliest memories. He feels spreading peace has been his mission in life and he is passionate about helping others to find peace in their lives through storytelling.

In vivid imagery, Prem tells us about his first trip to a prison in South Africa. Despite all the hardships and violence, there is a thirst for peace.

He describes how peace gives one freedom past understanding. Freedom is truly in the heart not in the physical world. It is a state of mind, not external circumstances.

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