“Life’s Essentials with Prem Rawat” podcast week 23 – Lite FM Radio on Compassion

In this podcast recorded in Malaysia, Prem Rawat is being interviewed by radio hosts Steve and Shiraz on Lite FM radio about compassion. They discuss how the Peace Education Program has helped to keep released inmates from coming back to jail. The program is now being taught to veterans, schools, and included with police training. Understanding that you are responsible for yourself and for your own actions is the cornerstone of the peace program.

Peace is within our own control and the definitions of peace in religion are dividing us rather than bringing us together. Heaven can be here and now. Peace in individuals comes from understanding the self. The breath is an incredible gift that has within it what is required for life and we should appreciate it. Goodness and love are always within you even when it appears external circumstances seem to be against you. There is always another side of the coin and from every negative there is a positive.

People suffering from mental illness need compassion from other people and they should be compassionate to themselves. We need to be compassionate to one another all the time and lose the judgement that separates us.

Peace begins with compassion towards yourself and others. It begins with the self and peace is possible for everyone as wars and conflicts are man made. Thus man can remake the world for peace. All too often we see the differences rather than the similarities between us. Peace has to be our priority. We should not be judging ourselves compared to other people because each of us has a unique gift inside.

Prem speaks about how to build a holistic business. If you want to make more money and have sustainability it is important to have a focus on people and that will promote peace and teamwork. In business it is vital to have a balance between how you treat your people and how you push for profits.

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